For Honor: 10 Crucial Ups & Downs

2. Down: Menu Design And Visual Polish

For Honor

For Honor has a pretty distinct visual style, and with the rest of the game's assets drawing inspiration from all three factions in the game and using them to create an impressive amount of detail, it's puzzling that the same cannot be said of the game's bland and boring menus.

Everything is presented as function over form, with plain white text littering the screen, and dark boxes housing information while that damn annoying musical sting repeats endlessly in the background. This comes across as similar to Star Wars Battlefront where players joked that the design team must have forgotten to put a menu in the game and, last minute, dropped some still images and boxes on to a white background and set it to some Star Wars music.

OK, it's not quite that bad, but it is an area of the game that also feels like an opportunity for something awesome has been missed.

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For Honor
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Gamer. Grifter. Musician. Lover of Metal Gear Solid and all things Star Wars.