For Honor: 10 Major Problems Ubisoft Must Fix

6. Lawbringers

for honor Lawbringer

Whenever a specific hero is targeted and called overpowered, there are a lot of people who leap to its defence, saying that 'you just need to learn their moves' or the ever loveable 'git gud'. But when it comes to Lawbringers, there are definite and apparent problems that are in need of fixing.

The first and one of the most unnoticed, but heavily used problems is the fact that they have an unstoppable combo. The combination of a 'heavy attack into push into guard break' can be repeated time and time again with no way of stopping it. The timings result in no way to dodge and an unstoppable chunk of damage being chipped away, considering the fact it can be looped at least three times without running out of stamina.

But even in saying that, the Lawbreaker does need its own series of buffs to make him playable. The game says he is a good counterattacker, but in that regard, he is no more special than any other. Sure, he has a few quick jabs that are good for interrupts, but he's speciality isn't, well, so special.

The fact is, he does nothing to stand out from the rest of the roster. There is (pretty much) a reason to play any other character - be it for speed or for strength or for defence - but the Lawbringer tries everything and nothing seems to work.

A jack of all trades and a master of none, there'll need to be some major fixes for him to be worth the investment.

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For Honor
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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.