Fortnite 2 Season 3 - 10 Tweaks It NEEDS To Stay On Top

8. Inconsistent Damage Mathematics

Fortnite battle royale

This unwelcome occurrence is potentially an offshoot of lag and so isn’t necessarily a flaw in the game, rather simply an observation. However, even with a solid connection, sometimes the numbers just don’t add up. Sour grapes, I hear you say? Maybe so, but scratch beneath the surface and the inconsistency of damage mathematics is too prevalent to be ignored.

For the uninitiated, the better the gun, the more damage it deals. Similarly, certain areas of an avatar’s body are more susceptible to damage, headshots being the ultimate target. A player has a maximum health meter of 200 and it's your job to chip away at that reserve.

However, sometimes the damage you hand out seems to exceed the maximum. In fact, sometimes shots don’t register at all. It’s an eyebrow raising event when it occurs and though it probably sounds like the gripe of a distinctly average player, this phenomenon can work to your advantage too.

Ultimately it isn’t a problem that guarantees disaster and if you’re a good enough player, more often than not, your following shots will rectify the less effective preceding rounds. However, when it happens and you lose out, you don’t half wish it hadn’t.

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