Fortnite 2 Season 3 - 10 Tweaks It NEEDS To Stay On Top

7. Wall Phasing

Fortnite battle royale
Epic Games

Wall phasing is difficult to recognise and even more complex to monitor. It could be categorised as a consequence of lag, poor building or potentially even hacking. However, with Epic cracking down on hackers and this glitch persisting in games with great builders and strong connections alike, there might well be more than meets the eye here.

To provide a bit of background, one of the main components of Fortnite’s gameplay is building. A player farms materials from the environment so that when they encounter an enemy, they can deploy them, in the form of walls and ramps, to gain an advantage. A fundamental quality, therefore, is that an opposing player cannot penetrate through your build without destroying it.

Increasingly, however, it seems that players have gained the ability to pass into an opponent’s structure without destroying the wall en route. That is to say, they ‘phase’ through the build, leaving the player inside unprepared, unarmed and vulnerable.

While this issue is a minor one, should a wall phase take place during a high stakes match, where the game hinges on high quality, rapid building, it will become a much bigger monster. A stitch in time saves nine, Epic!

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