Fortnite 2 Season 3 - 10 Tweaks It NEEDS To Stay On Top

4. Bots

Fortnite battle royale

Bots or computer generated, artificial intelligence players, were first introduced to Fortnite at the start of Chapter Two. Designed to coalesce with the skill-based matchmaking mechanic, their purpose is to give players of lower skill a more rewarding experience. The newer you are to the game, the more bots you find in your lobby and thus you should get a few kills and build up some confidence.

As your skill improves, the ratio of bots to real players in your lobby should start to sway increasingly in favour of the latter. Unfortunately though, unless you're a top player, you're still going to see a number of these AI players in your games.

While they may represent an easy kill or two, such is their rigidity and lack of skill that they stick out like a sore thumb. Combined with a resultant and sudden upsurge in success, this can make Fortnite feel plastic and unrewarding.

So, for as long as bots exist, so will this slight feeling of plasticity. A constant reminder that you might not be as good as you think you are. The ideal scenario? The option to turn Bots off.

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