Fortnite 2 Season 3 - 10 Tweaks It NEEDS To Stay On Top

2. Aim Assist

Fortnite battle royale

For many this subject strikes a nerve as deeply as skill based matchmaking. Recently, Epic removed a mechanic known as aim assist from Fortnite, a particularly useful piece of tech for those who play the game on a controller.

By nature, a mouse provides a user with a high level of manual accuracy, while a controller, with its analog sticks, supplies a less accurate form of targeting. If a player opted to use aim assist, the mechanic would kick in, determine what the user is targeting and perform some fine tweaking. Thus, in theory, a controller player’s aim is brought closer to that of a mouse.

However, when cross-platform play introduced controller and mouse and keyboard players into the same matches, the accuracy of the controller players stirred outrage amongst their mouse toting counterparts. The latter declared that aim assist gave controller players an unfair advantage and hence forth, Epic removed the mechanic from the game.

Unfortunately this move has angered controller players in return and while (as a controller player) I don’t take these things to heart like many, the removal of aim assist is, admittedly, conspicuous. Perhaps the introduction of a softer aim assist would appease both parties?

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