Game Publishers Of 2019: 6 Biggest Winners & 6 Biggest Losers

10. Loser: Sony

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate

Sony didn't have a disastrous year, but it didn't have a very good one either. Things might sting more due to the publisher having enjoyed a consistently hot winning streak since the PS4 launch.

Last year, the publishing giant stirred controversy due to their stubborn stances on all things from Cross-Play, censorship and their overpriced subscription service. Yet, because of the unbelievable high-quality of their exclusive games, everyone cut them slack.

Not the case this year.

They've taken the fifth and gone radio silent, at a point when Microsoft and Nintendo are making all the right moves. They opted out of E3, cancelled PSX, and have instead coasted on the mediocre State of Play stream show.

Add to this, their only two major PS4 exclusives - Days Gone and Death Stranding - were likely the most divisive major releases of the year, that left a 50/50 split with gamers and critics alike.

If they continue in this fashion, don't be surprised if they fall off top-spot in the next-gen.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.