10 Greatest Second-Bananas In Gaming

5. Rush - Mega Man

The second dog to make an appearance on this list, Rush the robo-dog was kicking serious enemy tail long before Barbas was even a blip on the gaming radar. As Mega Man€™s faithful companion, Rush fills whatever role is required of him. He could be a moving platform, a submarine, and even a spring coil to perform those otherwise impossible jumps. While Mega Man gets all the glory for dominating Dr. Wiley€™s nefarious robot masters, Rush sits faithfully in the background, waiting to become whatever his buddy needs in order to achieve victory. As the franchise changed and evolved, so did Rush€™s abilities. By the time Mega Man 8 rolled out, Rush could turn into a motorcycle, had healing powers and could search out items for the player. Still, Rush€™s best feature came in Mega Man 7. Upon combining the Rush Power Adapter and the Rush Jet Adapter, Rush can use the Super Adapter to join with his master to become Super Mega Man, replacing the buster cannon with a flying fist attack and adding a double-jump powered by built-in rockets. Any sidekick that can add the prefix €œSuper€ to a hero whose first name is €œMega€ is definitely worthy of inclusion among the elite of video game second-bananas.
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Mr. Quinn Gammon is a retro game collector, a fan of the video game industry and a lifelong pro wrestling fan, with a loyalty to WWE. He enjoys 90's cartoons, Looney Tunes characters, British television (with an emphasis on Doctor Who and Sherlock) and enjoys the occasional mixed berry trifle (with gluten free cake).