Gears 5: 10 Characters We NEED In Multiplayer

10. Dominic Santiago

Gears tactics gabriel diaz
The Coalition

A lot of the original Delta Squad did not make it into the base multiplayer roster.

The main man among them being everyone's favourite co-op partner, Dom. Both Baird and Cole eventually were added to the game as the main figures of their respective Operations.

Baird and Cole also received several outfits including a remastered classic look alongside Marcus. With continuity no longer being an issue it can be expected that some version of Dom will appear in the near future.

Whether or not he will come with his Gears of War 3 or original appearance is unclear but will no doubt be able to unlock the other as a skin.

**UPDATE: As of writing this, Dom is officially coming to the game in Operation 4! It had long been rumoured that this was the case but seeing all of Delta reunited is sure to put a smile on any veteran's face.

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