Gears 5: 10 Characters We NEED In Multiplayer

9. Skorge

Gears tactics gabriel diaz

Like Dom, Skorge has been long rumoured to return to Gears so fingers crossed that he also makes it into Operation 4.

Skorge is currently the only previously playable lead villain not to be in the game. Both Myrrah, RAAM, and The Speaker are all playable characters in Gears 5's multiplayer at the moment.

The Skorge model was a fan favourite of many Gears of War 2 players with lobbies often being full of them. The character exudes a primal ferocity that few of the others can even compare to. Skorge is every bit as iconic as RAAM in his own right and definitely deserves a spot on the roster.

If The Coalition were ever to add any new weapons, as the rumours would suggest, then why not throw in the double-edged chainsaw staff for good measure. Seriously why is that not a weapon already?

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