Gears 5: 10 Characters We NEED In Multiplayer

8. Tai Kaliso

Gears tactics gabriel diaz
Microsoft Studios

No other character bar the Carmine's has had such little screentime yet acquired such a cult following as Tai Kaliso.

The hulking islander was said the be unkillable as he shrugged off fatal crashes, ambushes, and went toe-to-toe with Locust leader Skorge as if it was nothing. Many fans were ready to accept Tai into the Delta Squad family following his epic displays in the early moments of Gears of War 2.

However, not even Tai could survive the curse of being the fifth character in a Gears team. Despite Tai's untimely passing, he was one of the most favoured characters to choose when it came to the game's multiplayer. His popularity among fans gained him an extra appearance alongside Minh in the Gears of War 3 story DLC, once again certifying him as a playable badass.

It is unlikely that Tai makes his glorious return as his cousin, Lahni is already a prominent member of the Hive Buster trio.

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