Gears 5: 10 Characters We NEED In Multiplayer

7. Locust Grenadier

Gears tactics gabriel diaz
The Coalition

The Locust may be dead and gone within the story but that doesn't stop them from living on as nostalgic multiplayer characters.

Thankfully, The Coalition seems to be leaning more on this nostalgia factor as the past few Swarm addition has been the Locust Drone, Kantus, and Theron Guard all with amazing customisation potential.

In terms of which Locust could produce the most, and coolest, skins look no further than the Locust Grenadier. There have been so many iterations of this character that it seems impossible which one to choose from.

There are the regular Grenadiers, Grenadier Elite, and Flame Grenadiers all of which would make great skins in an upcoming Operation. The strange thing is is that The Coalition seems to be merging some of their Swarm characters by way of skins. For example, the Swarm Grenadier now has a Savage Grenadier which is modeled from the Locust of the same name from Gears of War 3.

It could be that each of the aforementioned characters are brought in as skins for existing characters. Either way, more options are always a plus.

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