Gears 5: 10 Characters We NEED In Multiplayer

6. Gabriel Diaz

Gears tactics gabriel diaz
The Coalition

Surprisingly, Gabriel Diaz has not already made his way into Gears 5 despite the heavy marketing done by The Coalition.

What better way to celebrate a new title release than by bridging the gap between Gears Tactics and the already established Gears 5. No doubt players seeing Kate Diaz's father storming through the multiplayer lobbies would give Gears Tactics some free advertising.

Not just as a marketing ploy but the actual character of Gabriel Diaz is rather intriguing regardless. From what players learn while playing Gears 5 who wouldn't want to find out more about Kait's past?

Gabe's omission from Gears 5 seems like a tactical error as it represents a missed opportunity to combine two distinctly different games under the same franchise.

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