Gears 5: 10 Characters We NEED In Multiplayer

5. Ukkon

Gears tactics gabriel diaz
The Coalition

Alongside adding Daddy Diaz, what other better way to celebrate Gears Tactics than by adding the unsettling beastmaster, Ukkon.

Ukkon had previously been introduced as one of the big bads of the Locust army during the time of the Locust war with the Lambents in Gears of War graphic novels.

His background is deeply connected to that of The Speaker and with General RAAM. As the lead scientist within the Locust Horde, Ukkon was responsible for many of the grotesque abominations that the COG have to fight on a regular basis.

While his profession is that of a scientist he has an almost regal and religious demeanor about him which is likely what led to the constant infighting among the Locust higher-ups due to feelings of superiority.

Adding Ukkon to the list of playable villains would be a great way of introducing many gamers to his menacing presence that may not have picked up Gears Tactics.

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