Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Reasons It's The PS4's Best Open-World Game

7. Simple But Fun Combat

Ghost of Tsushima Open World
Sucker Punch Productions

If you're like me then no doubt once in a while you'll mess up the stealth portion and find yourself with dozens of enemies swarming in on you.

Whether that is the case, or you simply find yourself wanting to play the game more like a samurai, Sucker Punch has you covered with the game's combat system. The mechanics are very much in the spirit of easy to learn but difficult to master as the player is introduced to various enemy types, each with their own unblockable and defensive moves.

Eventually, Jin will learn new ways to dispatch of each foe through stances, each stance is excellent for fighting a particular class of enemy. In the midst of a full-scale battle however, this creates a meta-gameplay of switching between stances to avoid being overwhelmed. Unlike many action games, these enemies don't like to play fair and will always take the opportunity to gang up on you without the courtesy of taking turns.

To top it off, there is no lock-on feature meaning players will have to be precise whenever they're swinging that sword around.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.