Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Reasons It's The PS4's Best Open-World Game

6. Rewarding Exploration

Ghost of Tsushima Open World
Sucker Punch Productions

One aspect of the game that was a welcome surprise when entering Ghost of Tsushima is just how vast the open world is.

There is so much to explore within this game that players will soon find that wandering aimlessly across the sprawling fields is one of the most fun experiences the game has to offer.

The world of Tsushima is absolutely jam-packed with places to explore outside of the main quest that provides a welcome distraction for some of the story's darker themes. The level design is extremely well detailed with no two areas feeling the same. While players may come across similar shrines or outposts, the layouts are varied enough with each providing a unique challenge.

Exploration is also one of the best ways for Jin to grow stronger as many of the open-world activities improve his capabilities whether it be hot springs that increase maximum health or unlocking new charms that can be equipped to give a number of added bonuses.

You'll often find yourself deliberately getting lost in Tsushima just to see what secrets might be over the horizon.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.