God Of War: 10 Worst Things Kratos Has Ever Done

1. Killing His Family

God of War Kratos
SCE Santa Monica

And finally, could anything else really take our #1 spot? It is the instigating incident which started off the God of War franchise, without which these games simply couldn't exist.

Flashbacks reveal that Kratos called upon Ares to save the lives of himself and his men in exchange for their servitude, but the God of War took the opportunity to trick Kratos into murdering his own wife and daughter instead.

Ares transports Kratos' family to the village he is presently sacking and has them die at Kratos' own hands amid his frantic flurry of blood-thirsty violence.

This kicks off Kratos' quest for vengeance against Ares, as well as his franchise-long journey to rid himself of the demons which haunt him.

Though it wasn't Kratos' intent, making a deal with the God of freaking War was a clear act of playing with fire and being surprised when he got burned. He didn't necessarily deserve it, but he sure as hell should've known better.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.