God Of War: 10 Worst Things Kratos Has Ever Done

7. Decapitating Helios With His Bare Hands

God of War Helios.jpg
SCE Santa Monica

Though there is a decent amount of moral wiggle-room when it comes to Kratos' interactions with the other Gods, that doesn't mean he needs to take quite such a nauseating amount of pleasure from murdering them as grotesquely as possible.

This is certainly true of his chosen method for dispatching the Sun God Helios in God of War III.

Rather than separating his head from his body with a swift cleave of his Blades of Chaos, he decides to go old, old school, by literally ripping the guy's head off his shoulders with his bare freaking hands.

It's metal as hell and gave the gorehounds something to be excited about, but was Helios really deserving of such an unpleasant end?

At least Kratos made good use of the head, with players able to use it to deal light-based attacks to enemies and also illuminate dark areas.

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God of War
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.