God Of War: 10 Worst Things Kratos Has Ever Done

6. Killing The Captain Three Times

God of War Captain
SCE Santa Monica

Perhaps the low-key cruelest - and funniest - thing Kratos has ever done in the entire God of War franchise is repeatedly treat the downtrodden sea captain character like hot garbage.

During the original game's very first boss fight against the Hydra King, the captain ends up swallowed, and when Kratos travels into the Hydra King's throat, the captain expresses relief at being "rescued."

Except...Kratos just wanted his key, which he steals, before allowing the captain to drop down the Hydra's throat to his death.

Kratos encounters the captain again later in the game once he dies and ends up in the Underworld, where he stabs the captain to get a foothold, and then kicks him down into the River Styx.

And finally, in God of War II's boss fight against the Barbarian King, the captain is summoned to appear before Kratos, who promptly rips him asunder in typical Kratos fashion.

The captain may ultimately be a cute running gag more than anything - and there are references to him in virtually every single God of War game - but Kratos' repeatedly, needlessly nasty treatment of the guy also shouldn't be ignored.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.