God Of War: 10 Worst Things Kratos Has Ever Done

5. Having Sex With His Great Aunt

God of War 3 Aphrodite
SCE Santa Monica

Though it's fair to say that Greek mythology and incest go together like PB&J, that doesn't mean Kratos banging his great-aunt Aphrodite is anything less than totally gross.

In God of War III, Kratos runs into a scantily-clad Aphrodite, who is in the middle of canoodling with two of her similarly barely-dressed handmaidens.

Within moments, she invites Kratos to join her for a roll in the hay, and though the player can technically refuse, let's be honest - who among us actually did?

The result is a ridiculous QTE mini-game, with the rutting mercifully occurring off-screen while Aphrodite's adoring handmaidens talk about Kratos' sexual prowess.

On one hand, Aphrodite is objectively beautiful and the entire point is that she's irresistible to any man she invites to bed, but you think she might make an exemption for her great-nephew, no?

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God of War
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.