God Of War: 10 Worst Things Kratos Has Ever Done

4. Opening Pandora's Box

God of War 3 Pandora's Box
SCE Santa Monica

Pandora's Box is a majorly important artefact in the God of War franchise, having been created to contain the world's Evil and sought out by Kratos throughout the first game.

Kratos finally obtains and opens Pandora's Box in order to fight and defeat Ares, but the consequences of doing so are far more wide-reaching than he expected.

In God of War II, the Evil has escaped from Pandora's Box and effectively corrupted the Gods, ironically kick-starting Zeus' quest to kill Kratos.

And by the time God of War III rolls around, Kratos appears to have learned nothing, as he once against seeks out the Box in order to kill Zeus and destroy Mount Olympus.

Though Kratos does eventually use Pandora's Box to defeat Zeus and also discovers that Hope resides within the box alongside all the Evil, was it really worth all that hassle? It sure sounds like Kratos and, well, everyone, should've just left it well alone.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.