God Of War 2: Ragnarok Wishlist: 10 Things Fans Want To See

8. New Realms To Explore

God Of War
SIE Santa Monica Studio

Whilst most of GOW's plot took place in a wacky, dragon infested version of Scandinavia, Kratos' journey took him far and wide, from the decrepit environments of Helheim to the searing heat of Muspelheim.

Disappointingly, however, there was never much story tied to these realms, and they mostly served as glorified arenas for combat challenges. Not to mention whatever Niflheim was. *Shudder.*

It would be great if in Ragnarok we got to explore these realms in more detail, learning their histories properly and meeting their inhabitants. The ruler of Muspelheim, Surtr, plays a huge role in the traditional story of Ragnarok, so it seems like a no brainer to introduce him properly.

Not to mention the realms that players were banned from.

It's obvious that at some point we'll get to see Asgard, the famous home of the Gods, but there's also Vanaheim, Freya's homeland, and Svartalfheim, Brok and Sindri's (supposed) home. Imagine meeting the brothers' extended family, all of whom are able to give various gifts and armaments to Kratos for his journey.

New realms obviously mean fresh environments as well. While it's nice to see high fidelity trees and rocks, Alfheim promised some serious artistic potential regarding the weird and wonderful. Newer realms are that chance for Ragnarok to show that it's truly unique.

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English Student currently in the process of trying to turn the desire to play video games into the desire to study.