GTA 6: 10 Major GTA 5 Problems It Must Fix

6. Not Enough Activities & Mini-Games

gta 5 gta 6

For as beautifully rendered as GTA V's Los Santos is, many players complained that the game world didn't feel "alive" enough, and that it was lacking the absurd abundance of things to do in earlier games - especially the positively stacked GTA: San Andreas.

Though GTA V certainly did boast a bevy of activities and mini-games, such as golf, tennis, hunting, going to the movies, and so on, the majority of them were relatively shallow and repetitive mechanically, ensuring they didn't sustain interest long-term.

GTA VI would do well to massively up the number of things players can do outside of missions, from more familiar sports to activities inside the aforementioned enterable buildings, the long-absent vigilante/paramedic/firefighter missions, and also some truly out-there concoctions we can't even imagine yet.

Last year's gameplay leaks do at least suggest that GTA VI is going to be absolutely slammed with points of interest, including but certainly not limited to fishing, backyard wrestling, hovercraft racing, running a drug lab, and visiting museums.

By overwhelming players with a rich platter of events and activities, GTA VI can truly become the ultimate GTA game.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.