GTA 6: 10 Major GTA 5 Problems It Must Fix

5. The Tired Satirical Elements

gta 5 gta 6

Satire has been the GTA series' bread and butter since the beginning, hilariously lampooning primarily American culture with savage wit - if certainly not subtlety.

All the same, many felt that GTA V overegged the satirical pudding a little, its relentless potshots at capitalism, conservatives, Hollywood, the police, and so on feeling like low-hanging fruit, and in their over-the-top nature making GTA IV's send-up of the American Dream feel positively restrained.

Series writer Dan Houser has previously implied that the absurdity of American culture post-GTA V - namely Donald Trump becoming President - has made it incredibly difficult to satirise, and so GTA VI certainly has its work cut out in that regard.

The trailer makes it clear that the game will be mocking the state of Florida as a nexus point for mind-boggling shenanigans - and the whole "Florida Man" phenomenon - but can that itself sustain an entire game world?

Actually reining back the satire a little and making it more subdued as in earlier GTA games might be the way to go, or at least finding some new targets which won't seem quite so played-out.

Do we really need paper-thin parodies of Trump and Elon Musk, when those jokes have already been done to death in general culture?

In the very least, reports indicate that Rockstar has made a concerted effort not to "punch down" at marginalised groups this time around.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.