GTA 6: 10 Major GTA 5 Problems It Must Fix

4. Ditching GTA IV's Ragdoll Physics

gta 5 gta 6

One of GTA V's most unexpected letdowns was its decision to throw out the immaculate physics of GTA IV and offer up something considerably more pared down.

GTA IV's Euphoria engine saw it boast staggeringly intricate ragdoll physics, as made interacting with the game world and NPCs tremendously tactile and fun.

GTA V's modified version of Euphoria toned this down massively, however, for reasons that remain officially unknown to this day yet remain consistently speculated about, some theorising that ageing hardware of the generation (PS3/Xbox 360) simply couldn't handle it.

Either way, GTA V's physics immediately felt like a blatant regression from GTA IV's, enough that some disgruntled fans even released their own mods for the PC version of the game.

Hopefully the beefier and more PC-like system architecture of current-gen consoles will allow Rockstar to restore complex physics to GTA VI, because if it's once again vastly inferior to a game that released almost 20 years prior, that'd be a huge blow against it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.