GTA 6: 10 Things From GTA 5 That Must Stay

2. Moral Decisions During Missions


On that note, GTA V introduced the series to some key decision-making towards the end of the main story. Remember that moment when it was possible to off Trevor, Michael or stage a 3-pronged assault against that scumbag Devin Weston and pals? That's the kind of freedom that makes good games great.

It also wasn't possible in older titles like Vice City. As Tommy Vercetti, the player had to go along with whatever the game wanted. It was fun, but very much an on-rails experience in terms of the narrative. 5 changed that, allowing gamers to live out a power mad fantasy or band together like the world's most dangerous group of misfits.

Imagine the possibilities if Rockstar expand this feature in GTA 6. Though true that decisions based on morality can be tricky to pull off in games (we're looking at you, Fable 3), offering such choice to a player can feel exciting.

GTA needs more of it.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.