GTA 6: 10 Things From GTA 5 That Must Stay

3. Those Wonderful Heists

Gta V Heist

We can't imagine playing another Grand Theft Auto game without heists. GTA 5 introduced the world to video gaming's greatest bank robbery simulator, and it did it all without being bogged down by pesky problems like police actually remembering who stole a few million quid or having to change one's identity.

Heists have become part of GTA's lore, and we love it. The ability to set up every minute detail of each score, then watching as that totally rubbish getaway driver you picked gets a more skilled crew member killed, was all part of the fun. For the first time in GTA's history, your decisions carried weight and could be the difference between a massive haul and jail.

That's thrilling, so much so that heists must make a grand return in GTA 6. We don't care if they're optional missions and not part of the main story either, Rockstar. Just make sure we can round up a gang of miscreants, plot out how we're gonna' steal some diamonds and set us free.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.