GTA 6: 10 Things From GTA 5 That Must Stay

6. Smartphones


Oh God, this is going to sound like the Tumblr ramblings of some 15 year old kid who would shrivel up and die without their iPhone, isn't it?

Sod it, that's just the way of the world now, folks. Smartphones have become such an important part of daily life that they're akin to an extra limb for some, and an extension of the brain to others.

It's the same in GTA. Could you imagine if 6 was set in the 80's again, or (heaven forbid) even further back into history? Don't be thinking Tommy Vercetti 2.0 could just stop off to take a quick selfie by Hyman Memorial Stadium. He'd have to use one of those crappy Polaroid cameras instead and ask someone else to snap the pic.

Also, not being able to browse Rockstar's surprisingly in-depth internet hub would suck. What good is meeting a new character if you can't take a look on Lifeinvader to see what they've been up to? Yes, we've become that generation your parents warned against, and we can't do without smartphones, even in video games.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.