GTA 6: 10 Things From GTA 5 That Must Stay

5. Destructible Environments


There was a time when driving on the pavement in GTA came with great risk. Forget mowing through civilians, they'd bounce off your car hood without repercussion. It wasn't people you had to worry about slowing you down, it was lamp posts, fire hydrants and other impossibly tough obstacles in your path.

GTA 5 changed that a little by introducing some elements of the environment that were destructive. We're talking small walls here, and if that sounds like a silly thing to get excited over, just consider what it was like trying to escape blowing up any vehicle in Vice City. Seriously, road signs should not upend trucks.

If Rockstar could spend some time ensuring that 6 has even more wanton destruction of the city's property, that'd be grand. Cars should be able to smash through walls if going fast enough, planes crashing into buildings should come with a satisfying amount of carnage and traffic lights shouldn't cause 18-wheelers to come off the road.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.