GTA 6: 10 Things Rockstar Must AVOID From Red Dead 2

8. A Moral System That Contradicts The Story

Red Dead Redemption 2
Rockstar Games

The honour system was a nice concept, and made the illusion that your Arthur could be a despicable man or a good man, depending on your game decisions.

This didn't realise itself until the end of Arthur's story, when in the third act Arthur breaches from Dutch van Linde's leadership and decides to help John and his family. Based off this, it was clear that Arthur was supposed to be an honourable man.

Yet in the main quest you are also forced to kill all the inhabitants of Strawberry and other towns. Even when you went back to these locations, they'd be refilled and you could gain your honour back by waving your hand to passersby and paying a fee.

For GTA 6 they should avoid this mechanic, since it didn't offer much variety in RDR2, or perhaps retool it to have a system that doesn't clearly clash with the central focus of the game. If done well it could add flavour, such as approaching a mission through stealth or going in loud.

Speaking of which...


Just some Irish lad that appears and disappears.