GTA 6: 8 Confirmed Details You Need To Know

6. Jokes Will Be More Tasteful

Gta 6 gta iv

One of the main talking points in the Bloomberg report surrounds Rockstar's internal work mentality becoming more progressive and less exclusionary, and that is apparently an approach that is making its way over to the content found in GTA VI.

Rockstar's franchise has always been a loud, crass attempt to satirize American life and pop-culture, famous for cheap gags like transforming a computer's mouse cursor to resemble a hand flipping you off or allowing you to choose an audio clip of sex moans as your mobile phone ringtone (which I definitely did not do when I was 14). Unsurprisingly though this South Park-esque approach has seen major releases court controversy for other jokes that play up to harmful stereotypes.

As such, the Bloomberg report says that, "developers are also being cautious not to “punch down” by making jokes about marginalized groups [...]in contrast to previous games."

GTA VI will no doubt still wear the franchise's irreverent humour on its sleeve, but in a positive move will hopefully avoid any lazy, low-hanging gags that come at the expense of marginalised communities.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3