GTA V: 10 Hillarious News Reports To Remind Us How "Evil" The Game Is

9. Fox News

Fox News Logo A L Trust Fox News to give a fair and balanced opinion on GTA V. In an article published on 19th September, John S. Dickerson accused Grand Theft Auto V off training millions of young people to walk into a public place and shoot it up. He claimed that the target demographic for GTA V was the people who committed the mass shootings in Sandy Hook, Columbine and the Batman screening in Colorado. Yeah, because that would make a lot of sense...He went on to say that millions of 8 to 40 year olds were lining up to get a game where you are rewarded for shooting civilians. He said that;
"Players get rewarded for being evil and breaking the law in a world more realistic and more adrenaline-fueled than reality.''
Dickerson was clearly trying to say that there is a link between playing violent video games and the need to go commit a mass shooting. He failed to acknowledge the other common denominator in all those incidents, which is the free access to guns, but blaming guns would be unpatriotic and it is much easier to blame a game that he has never played or knows anything about.


Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.