GTA V: 10 Last Minute Dream Features We Hope Are In The Game

8. Fame & Honour

Red-Dead-Redemption Again, San Andreas got off to an encouraging start with its "Respect" system, which allowed you to amass a larger and more competent gang depending on how much they respected (or is it feared?) you. However, GTA IV toned a lot of these aspects down, though their later Red Dead Redemption did include the enviable Fame and Honour statistics, which indicated your public level of fame depending on whether you performed good or bad acts throughout the campaign, such as killing innocents or helping out strangers, and the perceived morality of your behaviour. GTA V would do well to include similar such features, helping guide our moral compass given how much more complex it is going to be with three characters to control. Though these rating systems can seem a tad arbitrary in some games, it'd be nice to put a direct finger on how our characters are perceived within this massive, expanding, sprawling world. That, and I want to know how scared of me people are...

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]