GTA V: 10 Life Lessons Grand Theft Auto Has Taught Us

4. The Police Have Short Memories

How GTA taught us this: No matter how far we progress through the game, how many car chases we evade and how many well publicised criminal atrocities we commit, the police still only treat you as a new criminal and not bat an eye lid when an effective war criminal walks past a police station. Similarly it taught us how a high speed getaway can be ended by driving in to a quick spray centre, because despite being in the same car with the same driver, the colour is how they truly recognise you. Therefore we were granted a valuable life lesson in not worrying if wanted by the police, it will all blow over in a couple of minutes. If GTA didn€™t exist we would... Still be locked in an underground bunker fearing the polices wrath.

One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.