GTA V: 10 Offensive Easter Eggs You Need To See For Yourself

1. Amanda's Quiet Time

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, and that's true of the final entry (ooer) here. When playing as Michael, gamers can sneak around the house, finding all sorts of mischief to get up to. The large building plays a part in the story of Mr. De Santa, and it's fair to say his family are interesting, messed up people. Of course, there's nothing wrong with enjoying some alone time, it'd be amiss to castigate anyone for doing so. It's natural, right guys? Guys!? At random points, it is possible to catch his wife, Amanda during a little meditative stint, y'know, to help her with her yoga and focus her mind. The copy of the Kama Sutra, and the suspect device in her right hand has nothing to do with proceedings. In fairness, it's events such as these which make the GTA universe seem alive. So much thought and detail has went into creating each map, and that painstaking attention to detail is easy to appreciate. What are your favourite GTA V Easter Eggs, or even hidden gems from the other games in the series? Are any of these likely to cause critics around the globe to once again decry our beloved Grand Theft Auto as vulgar and a title which should be banned? Let us know in the comments down below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.