GTA V: 10 Rumours We Don’t Want To Come True

7. Relationships Are Back

According to a recent post from another supposed Ex-R* employee (these guys are really coming out of the woodwork) girlfriends are back in GTA V and in greater numbers, which leads on to the rumour that €˜friends€™ will also be returning. This is an issue that admittedly splits fans down the middle; some loved the friend system put in place in GTA IV, others felt that getting involved was a complete waste of time. Personally, I found that GTA IV€™s friends system got old fast; it was fun at first, but once the novelty had worn off, I just stopped answering my phone. I€™m aware that R* are going for immersion but I often found that these friend excursions interrupted the flow of the gameplay experience. They felt like a chore, something I had to do as opposed to something I wanted to do. I€™m slyly hoping that this rumour turns out to be false, that R* have in fact placed less of an emphasis on personal relationships (I€™m not buying The Sims after all) and perhaps more of an emphasis on the gang warfare system which is also rumoured as a potential feature.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.