GTA V: 10 Rumours We Don’t Want To Come True

6. Police Chase You For Speeding

Again, I totally get that R* are going for immersion, that each GTA game represents a further step towards a gaming world that isn€™t all that different from our own, but there€™s only so far this idea stretches before the game becomes a Sim; a niche experience for a niche market. One rumour (revealed in the aforementioned EX-R* employee€™s forum post) that I think pushes a little too far into Sim territory is that police will chase you for driving too fast or erratically. Driving fast and erratically is a mainstay, probably the mainstay, of the GTA series and punishing players with wanted stars for doing so stars is akin to a Star Wars game placing a handicap on the use of a Lightsaber. Police cars and walking Beat Cops are a common sight in any GTA game. Can you imagine having to slow down to the speed limit every time you encountered one? I really hope that the cops aren€™t this sensitive in GTA V. Far from creating depth of immersion; I foresee it causing a stop-start dynamic which makes driving anywhere a complete pain in the ass. And since driving is GTA€™s core mechanic, I sincerely hope these rumours are false.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.