GTA V: 10 Rumours We Don’t Want To Come True

5. Police Still Search After You€™ve Evaded Them

Another mainstay from the GTA series is the fact that once you evade the cops, you€™re home free. It€™s a classic dynamic that separates the GTA world from our own; it€™s a world so rife with crime that once you€™re out of sight you€™re out of mind too, there€™s just too much other crime to deal with. However, one rumour you might hear on your travels is that in GTA V, police still hunt for someone with your description after you€™ve lost your stars, for a time period determined by the severity of your wanted level. Fair enough, this supplies realism to the experience, but what€™s attached to that rumour is what worries me most. Some missions will become unavailable should police still be hunting you, which means that you€™ll have to find ways to pass the time before you can potentially continue with the story. Again, I foresee this pushing a stop-start dynamic on the player that might be realistic, but would most definitely be annoying. I don€™t know about you, but when I play a GTA game, I attract police attention literally every five minutes, which is fine because it takes about two minutes to lose €˜em. If the last two rumours in conjunction turn out to be true what that tells me is that not only will I be attracting police attention every two minutes now, it€™ll also take me ten minutes to fully lose them. Again, I€™m all for realism, but there€™s a line.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.