GTA V: 10 Rumours We Want To Come True

3. Customisable Vehicles and Equipment

One of the aforementioned €œinsider€ forum posts also mentioned that GTA V will include a fully customisable range of vehicles and weapons. For example, apparently, we€™ll be able to customise, repair and maintain vehicles promoting a sense of ownership (even though you€™ll definitely have nicked it).The post also insists that you€™ll be able to fashion custom weapons a €˜la Fallout and that you€™ll be able to customise your guns with silencers, scopes, etc. Unfortunately, this come from the aforementioned €˜fake journalist€™ (god, this guy sucks), so you can probably treat much of it as what it is: speculation. However, with that being said, you also can€™t completely write the info off. Other sources have indicated that weapons and cars will be customisable to an extent, maybe not just as customisable as the imposter journalist insists. Whether there are any truth to these claims or not is debatable, but still, if it came to pass, wouldn€™t it be awesome? I€™ve always thought that GTA would benefit from offering a sense of ownership to the hardware, the vehicles, so in my heart of hearts, I€™m going to hope some of this is one based on a nugget of truth.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.