GTA V: 10 Rumours We Want To Come True

7. Return of Character Customisation

You can thank another post from an anonymous €œinsider€ (who€™s since been debunked as a fake journalist) for setting this rumour aflame, although it€™s also fuelled by some convincing online speculation. Apparently, said fake journalist was supposedly shown 30 minutes of gameplay footage and argued that GTA V will see a return of bodybuilding, weight gain, tattooing and a whole slew of other customisation options. You could say that, since R* featured a gym and a piercing parlour in the GTA V trailer (and in a R* trailer, everything is subtly important) acts as further evidence for this rumour, but looking at it logically, it also sort of makes sense. As I mentioned, GTA IV was the most underperforming title in the series, while San Andreas was the top seller (22.76 million sold). If R* want to recapture some of their former glories, they€™d do well to heed what their fans loved so much about their previous games and include similar features. And so, logically, I can totally see this rumour coming to pass and you know what, I totally hope it does.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.