GTA V: 10 Rumours We Want To Come True

6. Multiple Protagonists

There€™s a bit of a buzz about this rumour and it seems to be splitting fans down the middle. Basically, not so long ago Kotaku reported a supposedly reliable source (although probably not) revealed that GTA V would feature more than one protagonist. Supporting this, Take Two€™s press release on the title describes a €˜radical reinvention€™ for the GTA series. Could they really get more radical than pioneering a genre revolution in the very genre they originally pioneered? This would mean that the traditional €˜rise to the top€™ motif would be potentially removed from GTA V, and instead we€™d see a more abstract and dramatically complex storyline more along the lines of The Wire than standard GTA. Of course this could all just come from some compulsive liar who€™s making things up for attention, gut given the fact that IV underperformed, I wouldn€™t be at all surprised to see R* pulling something drastic, something special like this out of the bag for V. But I guess we won€™t really know until R* decided to tell us. Still, I€™m excited by the idea of the next GTA game offering an entirely new experience, whether it€™s multiple protagonists or something else entirely.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.