8. The Lost Hatch
Following on from the Lost beats in the Rehab Island, there's another far more explicit link to the mind-bending TV show. If you find yourself wandering through the deepest parts of the oceans in the submarine, eventually you can find a reference to J.J. Abrams' show, right in the far east section of the map, out from the coast near the San Chianski Mountain Range. You can't actually make it close to the hatch, as the pressure is pretty deadly, but you can definitely get close enough to see the very obvious reference points. So far, and somewhat fittingly, the hatch hints at something but never actually goes anywhere - much like a good deal of the more crazy elements of Lost itself. They of course aren't the first game (and probably not the last either) to include the famous hatch in the playable environments, as Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 also famously did so in the Village level, but that wasn't half as well hidden as GTA V's own reference.