GTA V: 5 Reasons Why We Need UFO-Based DLC

4. There Are So Many Unanswered Mysteries In GTA V

As mentioned, there's a litany of 'Easter Eggs' and 'nods' to aliens in Grand Theft Auto V, from the frozen extraterrestrial in the prologue through to the hallucinogenic mission that sees Michael get "abducted" by little green men. And with these nods come one or two unanswered questions - such as, how did the alien come to be frozen in a lake in North Yankton, and why is there a sunken UFO at the bottom of the ocean? Then there's the mysterious map atop Mount Chiliad that hints at the presence of a jetpack - yet thus far, gamers have been unable to suss out a way to unlock the hi-tech gadget. The presence of each of these mysteries in GTA V can be discarded as mere Easter Eggs, throwaway references and nothing much to read into, but we believe each deserve to be expanded upon by way of DLC, in order to sate our curiosity, if nothing else.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.