3. More Changes
Despite my points on the previous page, changes such as multiple protagonists and adding a musical score move away from the original successful formula, and are a source of worry and intrigue for yours truly. Dont get me wrong; Im not about to write the game off before Ive even experienced it, because that would be stupid. However, I remain sceptical about these changes, and whilst the musical score might not be a big deal, three protagonists is a massive change, and to be honest, Im still at a loss as to how its going to work and cant help but think its going to be a problematic feature. It could turn out to be a stroke of genius, but as yet, Im not going to expect too much from this feature.
Make or Break: GTA IV changed the formula and it split opinion, and although a lot seems to have returned to the more light-hearted days, the multiple protagonist feature has the potential to become a real love or hate feature, and again split the opinion of the masses. Im not making my mind up just yet, but part of previous GTA success came from empathising with the protagonist, and surely this will be harder now that we have three. This one looks more likely to be a break from my perspective.