2. They've Done It Spectacularly Before
I mentioned this in the introduction but let's not forget one very important fact. If after all these ramblings about gameplay you still aren't convinced on this zombie DLC theory, then let's remember that Rockstar has done it before and done it well. Undead Nightmare breathed new life (no zombie pun intended) into Redemption and garnered almost as much approval as its paternal game. So while nobody is saying that GTA 5 needs new life breathed into any time soon, its developer has taken risks with this idea before that have paid off big time. While some may argue the company would be getting repetitive to try zombies out again with GTA, I'd welcome the idea for the simple fact that Rockstar have done it so superbly before. This is without mentioning how much more challenging it must have been to sell it the first time around. Red Dead was a serious, emotional Western that balanced gameplay with factuality and historical context, and Rockstar threw the latter in front of a moving train to bring a zombie invasion to the American Frontier. GTA 5 on the other hand is set in an entirely fictional world, one slightly more surreal than our own, and so a plague of reanimated dead would have more grounds for context there than the past. Basically, if they can make it work for Red Dead, they can make it work better for GTA.