1. The Leeroy Jenkins-ers

Picture the scene: you've spent hours meticulously plotting a heist, going over the details in your head, and with your crew like you're the Reservoir Dogs team sitting around a diner table looking edgy and mysterious, instead of sitting in your pants with cheetoh-dust in your badly grown facial hair. You approach the heist, the plan still warm in your head, and knowing that everyone on the crew knows exactly what they're supposed to be doing, until one of the group breaks off, starts ad-libbing and the whole affair crumbles into a mess, and noone gets any dough. Flash forward a few weeks, and it's pretty much guaranteed this is going to happen to you. By now everyone on the internet should be familiar with Leeroy Jenkins fever, and unfortunately, the dog eat dog universe of GTA Online is probably the best set-up for this type of player to flourish and spoil your experience. Thankfully, if you are somehow able to negotiate your way through the heist without being killed or caught when they eventually are rolled out, you can at least kill the idiot who ignored the plan and caused the storm. And it isn't just willful ignorance that can cause frustration: unless you're playing with a tight-knit group, you could find that someone within the crew is not up to your standards. Liabilities are generally only discovered just beyond the point where anything can be done about them, and you have to watch in horror as their comical driving, or inability to accomplish even the simplest of actions
Tips To Avoid Play with friends, or people you really trust. If any of them feel the urge for a bit of Jenkins fun, go round to their house and show their parents their internet history.
Did we miss any of the worst GTA Online players who are ruining the game for everyone else? Share your thoughts below in the comments.