GTA V: Ultimate Wishlist

7. A Party

Wait, what? A party? Yes, a party. Or better yet, parties. Have you ever been out and seen a house full of people you don€™t know, all having fun and listening to music and drinking and eating and generally having an awesome time? Have you ever wanted to just walk in, grab a beer, and make new friends? Or walk in and completely trash the place? you totally could! Get drunk, stumble around, get laid. Start a fight. Call the cops. You€™ve got a large group of people in one place and it€™s all in the confines of a video game. Go nuts. These parties would function as the night clubs did in GTA IV: amusing distractions where you can get away from the missions for a bit and just have a little fun. Some parties would have dancing, and the houses would have fully rendered interiors to explore, but they€™d only be open during the party. Imagine crashing a party in a gang neighborhood while being pursued by the police.

Brandon is a photographer/sociologist currently residing in the Sasquatch-prone Pacific Northwest of America. When he's not writing, he's probably doing something else.