GTA VI: 10 Big Things It Must Fix

7. A Tighter Narrative Focus

GTA V had the most interesting and diverse set of characters in a Grand Theft Auto title to date. However, while each protagonist had particularly memorable sub-plots, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Rockstar had trouble weaving all three characters into a tightly-knit main story. Having different characters is definitely not something that should be dropped, but for GTA VI having a clearer and more believable main narrative would inject some much needed urgency into the campaign, allowing for those major emotional moments that were so sorely lacking in GTA V. Look Rockstar, everyone's played Red Dead Redemption, hell, even Max Payne 3, and players know you can pull off a poignant and enjoyably story. Drop some of the shackling bravado and nihilism for GTA VI and don't be afraid to delve into some vulnerable territory - create the modern day American Dream tale you've been wanting to tell for ages now - you're almost there.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3