GTA VI: 10 Biggest Innovations It Must Have

9. Make The Leap With Building Interaction

Again, this was something GTA V worked hard to do, but it was simply impossible on the old generation of hardware to make every building accessible to players. There were hundreds of interior levels in V, but GTA VI should really be upping the ante in this respect, and delivering more buildings and rooms for gamers to explore across the board. Imagine being able to go absolutely anywhere in Grand Theft Auto? That high-rise block of flats over there? What if users could scale it, entering the top apartment, rob it, then base jump out of the window, or perhaps even from the very top of the building? It's this kind of fantasy experience that GTA likes to try and deliver, but there should be more encouragement for players to mess around with the sandbox around them. By the time GTA VI hits shelves, Rockstar will have had a lot of time to fully figure out what both the PS4 and Xbox One are capable of. Hopefully, this leads to a scenario whereby most of the buildings included in the game are unrestricted, because that would open up an awful lot of gameplay, and help make the world feel more real.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.