GTA VI: 10 Things We Want

1. A Whole New Location

Gta Vi 2United Front Games/ RockstarSome fans think that one of the elements that makes GTA so quintessentially GTA is the very fact that so much of its personality is born out of constantly ripping apart everything about American stereotypes and culture. However with ten games under their belt all pulling apart this already well-beaten and over-analysed ideology, perhaps Rockstar can turn their spotlight over to somewhere like London, or even further ashore and do a more robust version of what Sleeping Dogs was offering in Hong Kong. Some will remember the old 2D top-down GTA mission packs from 1999 that offered their own take on London, but with that game being set in the 60's and completely lacking the modern day production budgets that really bring characters and locations to life these days, there's scarcely any major location in America yet to be parodied that would give off a completely different vibe to what's already been done. What do you want from the next GTA? More of the same? Less of a certain thing? Let us know in the comments!
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